10 Nonprofit Fundraising Email Examples and Templates

Let’s face it: we all get more messages in our inbox than we have time to read.

But a well-crafted email that stands out from the crowd is still one of the most effective ways to raise funds for your nonprofit. So much so that 26% of nonprofit donors worldwide say email is the communication tool that most inspires them to give.

These emails are often the first touchpoint between you and your contributors – they’re essential for engaging supporters and driving donations. That’s why it’s crucial to craft messages that resonate, inspire, and compel action.

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 standout examples of nonprofit fundraising email formats, highlighting what makes them effective and how your organization can apply these strategies to boost your own fundraising efforts.

A light green graphic showing a dollar sign and envelopes which is to represent examples of nonprofit email marketing

1. Donation request to family or friends

Crafting a successful donation request to family and friends leverages existing relationships to inspire support for a cause you’re passionate about. Since they care about you, they’re more likely to see the cause as personally relevant. To maximize your chances of success, keep your request personal and specific. Share a heartfelt story about your connection to the cause and clearly explain how their contribution will make a difference. A sincere expression of gratitude, both before and after receiving support, strengthens your bond and emphasizes the value of their generosity.


Subject: Join Me in Supporting [Cause Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to share something that’s really important to me, and I’m hoping you might consider helping out.

As you may know, I’ve been volunteering with [Organization Name] for the past year, and I’ve seen firsthand the incredible work they do to support [cause/issue]. This cause is close to my heart because [share a personal story or reason why the cause is important to you].

Right now, [Organization Name] is running a campaign to raise funds for [specific purpose], and I’m doing my part to help them reach their goal. I’m reaching out to ask if you would consider making a donation to support this effort. Even a small contribution can make a big difference.

If you’re interested in donating, you can do so easily through [provide a link or instructions on how to donate]. I truly appreciate any support you can offer.

Thank you so much for considering this. Your generosity means a lot to me and to those we’re helping together.

With gratitude,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

2. Sponsorship appeal to corporate partners

Securing corporate sponsorships involves strategically aligning your nonprofit’s mission with a company’s business objectives. These partnerships offer substantial resources, including financial support, increased visibility, and valuable connections.

To build successful relationships, focus on mutual benefits. Clearly articulate how the company can achieve its corporate social responsibility goals while supporting your cause. Tailor your proposal to each company, highlighting specific ways your organization can add value.

A clear, concise, and professional approach, coupled with enthusiasm for the potential partnership, will increase your chances of securing sponsorship.


Subject: Partnership Opportunity with [Nonprofit Name] to Support [Cause/Event Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I’m reaching out on behalf of [Nonprofit Name], an organization dedicated to [briefly describe your nonprofit’s mission or cause].

We are currently preparing for [specific event or campaign, e.g., “our annual fundraising gala” or “a new initiative to support underprivileged youth”], and I believe that [Company Name] would be an ideal partner to help us make a significant impact. Your company’s commitment to [mention their focus or relevant values] aligns perfectly with the work we’re doing, and we would love to explore a potential sponsorship opportunity with you.

By sponsoring [Event/Campaign Name], [Company Name] will receive [outline specific benefits, e.g., “brand visibility through our event marketing,” “recognition in our annual report,” “opportunities for employee volunteerism,” etc.]. We believe this partnership would not only contribute to [specific goal or outcome] but also enhance your company’s reputation as a leader in [related industry or social cause].

I would love the opportunity to discuss how we can tailor this partnership to meet your goals and make a lasting difference together. Please let me know a convenient time for us to connect.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information]

3. Urgent need request to supporters

An urgent need request is a fundraising appeal designed to galvanize immediate support for a critical cause. By effectively communicating the urgency of the situation, these emails can inspire swift action from donors. These appeals are typically employed during crises or when facing funding shortfalls that threaten essential services.

To maximize impact, clearly articulate the problem, its consequences, and the specific use of donated funds. An urgent call to action, coupled with a sense of community involvement, can motivate supporters to respond quickly and generously.


Subject: We Need Your Help Today to [Solve a Specific Issue]

Dear [Supporter’s Name],

I’m reaching out today because [Organization Name] is facing an urgent situation that requires immediate action. [Briefly describe the situation, e.g., “Due to unexpected flooding, dozens of families in our community have been displaced and need emergency shelter.”]

We need your help to [specific action needed, e.g., “raise $10,000 in the next 48 hours to provide shelter, food, and medical care to those affected”]. Without these funds, [explain the potential consequences, e.g., “these families may not receive the critical support they need to stay safe and healthy”].

Your support is crucial. By donating now, you can help us meet this urgent need and ensure that [impact of donation, e.g., “every family has a safe place to stay during this crisis”].

Please, if you’re able, click the link below to make a donation:

[Insert Donation Button or Link]

Every minute counts, and every donation makes a difference. Thank you for standing with us in this critical moment.

With gratitude,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

an example of a donation thank you email

4. New donor welcome email

A new donor welcome email is crucial for cultivating long-term relationships. By expressing sincere gratitude, highlighting the importance of the donation, and providing information about the organization’s work, this initial communication reinforces the donor’s decision to support your cause. Personalizing the message by including the donor’s name and specific donation details enhances the connection. Invite them to continue their engagement through newsletters, social media, or volunteer opportunities in order to foster a sense of belonging and encourage future support.


Subject: Thank You, [Donor’s Name]! Welcome to the [Nonprofit Name] Family

Dear [Donor’s Name],

Thank you so much for your generous donation to [Nonprofit Name]. We are thrilled to welcome you to our community of supporters who are making a real difference in [briefly describe your cause, e.g., “protecting the environment,” “supporting underprivileged children,” etc.].

Your contribution of [amount, if applicable] will go directly towards [specific impact, e.g., “providing clean drinking water to communities in need,” “funding educational programs for children,” etc.]. Thanks to your support, we can continue our work and make a lasting impact.

At [Nonprofit Name], we believe in the power of community, and we’re so grateful to have you with us. We’d love to keep you informed about the difference you’re helping to make. If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for our newsletter [insert link] and following us on social media [insert social media links] to stay updated on our latest projects and events.

Once again, thank you for your generosity and for believing in our mission. Together, we’re creating positive change, and we couldn’t do it without supporters like you.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our work, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

5. Fundraising event invite

Every fundraising event begins with a great invitation. This email should generate excitement, provide essential details, and clearly communicate the event’s purpose. A strong call to action and personalized touch can significantly boost attendance. By crafting an engaging invite, you can drive participation, raise awareness for your cause, and strengthen relationships with supporters.


Subject: You’re Invited! Join Us for [Event Name] on [Date]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming event, [Event Name], taking place on [Date] at [Time]. This special event will be held [at Location/online via [Platform]] and promises to be an unforgettable evening dedicated to [briefly describe the event’s purpose, e.g., “raising funds to support our new community outreach program”].

Your presence would mean a lot to us and to those we serve. By attending, you’ll [highlight key benefits, e.g., “enjoy an evening of live entertainment, connect with fellow supporters, and hear inspiring stories about the impact of your generosity”].

Event Details:

  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Location: [Venue/Online Platform]
  • Dress Code: [Optional, if applicable]
  • Special Guests: [Optional, if applicable]

Please RSVP by [RSVP Deadline] to secure your spot. You can register directly through this link: [Insert Registration Link].

Thank you for your support and for being a vital part of our community. We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating the difference we’re making together.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

6. Impact report email

An impact report email updates your donors and supporters on the outcomes and achievements resulting from their contributions. This type of email demonstrates transparency and accountability by showcasing what your organization has accomplished.

By sharing specific examples of how donations were used and the resulting impact, these communications deepen donor connections and inspire continued engagement. To effectively convey results, use clear language, compelling stories, and visuals to illustrate the difference donors have made. A heartfelt expression of gratitude and a call to action for ongoing support complete this essential communication.


Subject: See the Impact of Your Support

Dear [Donor’s Name],

We’re thrilled to share with you the results of your incredible support over the past [time period, e.g., “year,” “quarter”]. Thanks to your generosity, [Nonprofit Name] has been able to [briefly describe key achievements, e.g., “expand our outreach programs,” “provide essential resources to underserved communities”].

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve accomplished together:

  • [Key Achievement 1]: [Brief description of the outcome, e.g., “Provided 500 meals to families in need”]
  • [Key Achievement 2]: [Brief description of the outcome, e.g., “Supported 200 students with scholarships”]
  • [Key Achievement 3]: [Brief description of the outcome, e.g., “Organized 10 community clean-up events”]
[Include a brief story or testimonial that illustrates the impact, e.g., “Meet Sarah, one of the students who benefited from our scholarship program. Her story highlights the difference your support has made.”] [Attach or link to visuals, such as a detailed impact report or infographic, if applicable.]

Your commitment has made a real difference, and we’re deeply grateful for your support. We hope you take pride in what we have achieved together and look forward to continuing this journey with you.

If you would like to learn more about how you can stay involved or support our future initiatives, please visit [website link] or contact us at [contact information].

Thank you once again for your generosity and dedication.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

7. End-of-year giving request

Every nonprofit professional understands that end of the year push for donations. From Giving Tuesday through New Years, every nonprofit is pushing to drive end-of-year giving before the calendar year comes to a close.

An End-of-Year giving request capitalizes on the sense of urgency associated with the end of the fiscal year, the tax benefits of making charitable donations, and the extra generosity people feel during the holidays. It’s an opportunity to boost donations during a peak giving season and to remind supporters of the impact their year-end contributions can have.

Highlight how end-of-year donations will address critical needs and advance the organization’s mission. Remind donors of potential tax benefits to offer further motivation. Include a personalized touch, an expression of genuine gratitude for past support, and a link to make giving as seamless as possible.


Subject: Make a Difference Before Year-End: Your Support Needed!

Dear [Donor’s Name],

As we approach the end of another year, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support throughout [current year]. Your generosity has made a significant impact on our mission to [briefly describe your mission or cause, e.g., “provide clean water to communities in need”].

With the year coming to a close, we’re reaching out to ask for your help one last time in [current year]. Your end-of-year gift can make a tremendous difference as we [describe specific end-of-year goals or projects, e.g., “launch a new initiative” or “expand our services”].

Why Give Before December 31st?

  • Make a Tangible Impact: Your donation will help us [specific outcome, e.g., “support 100 more families this holiday season”].
  • Tax Benefits: Contributions made before December 31st may be eligible for tax deductions on your [current year] tax return.

To make your donation, simply click the link below and give securely online:

[Insert Donation Button or Link]

Thank you for your continued support and for being a vital part of our community. We wish you a joyous holiday season and look forward to continuing our work together in [upcoming year].

Warmest regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

8. Giving Tuesday request

Since 2012, Giving Tuesday has become a global day of giving that extends the holiday urgency of Black Friday and Cyber Monday following Thanksgiving. With over $3.1 billion in donations raised for Giving Tuesday in 2023, the day has become a can’t-miss opportunity for engagement for every nonprofit.

To garner support, emphasize the global nature of Giving Tuesday, highlight matching gift opportunities, and share compelling stories about the difference donations make. A clear and concise call to action, combined with a personalized approach, will inspire supporters to contribute to your cause.


Subject: Join Us on Giving Tuesday: Double Your Impact Today!

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Today is Giving Tuesday—a global day dedicated to giving back and making a difference. As we join millions of people around the world in celebrating this special day, we’re reaching out to ask for your support.

This year, your gift can go twice as far! Thanks to a generous matching gift from [Donor/Company Name], every donation made today will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to [matching amount]. This means your impact will be doubled, helping us to [briefly describe how the funds will be used, e.g., “provide vital resources to families in need” or “expand our community outreach programs”].

Make Your Gift Now: [Insert Donation Button or Link]

Your support today can help us achieve our goals and make a lasting impact. Thank you for being a vital part of our community and for celebrating Giving Tuesday with us.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

9. Lapsed donor re-engagement appeal

A lapsed donor reengagement email is sent to donors who have previously contributed but have not given recently. This type of email is valuable because it provides an opportunity to reconnect with supporters who may have drifted away, reminding them of the impact they can make and encouraging them to re-engage with your organization.

Re-engaging lapsed donors is a cost-effective strategy for revitalizing supporter relationships. By acknowledging past contributions, sharing recent achievements, and personalizing the message, organizations can rekindle donor interest. Emphasizing the ongoing need for support and providing a clear path to donate are crucial elements for successful re-engagement and can inspire former donors to renew their commitment to your cause.


Subject: We Miss You, [Donor’s Name]! Here’s What Your Support Has Achieved

Dear [Donor’s Name],

We hope this message finds you well. It’s been a while since we last heard from you, and we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your past support of [Nonprofit Name]. Your previous contributions have made a significant impact, and we’re incredibly grateful for your generosity.

Since your last donation, we’ve been busy [briefly describe recent achievements or updates, e.g., “expanding our outreach programs,” “launching a new initiative to support local families,” etc.]. Thanks to supporters like you, we’ve [specific outcomes, e.g., “provided vital resources to over 1,000 families,” “funded critical research that has led to new breakthroughs”].

As we continue to [describe current goals or needs, e.g., “address pressing issues in our community,” “work towards our next big milestone”], your renewed support would make a tremendous difference. We would be thrilled to have you back with us as we strive to [specific goal, e.g., “reach our fundraising target,” “expand our impact even further”].

Simply click the link below to make a donation and continue supporting our mission: [Insert Donation Button or Link]

Thank you once again for all you have done to help us achieve our goals. We hope to have the pleasure of working with you again and making an even greater impact together.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

example of Lapsed donor re-engagement appeal

10. Storytelling emails

Storytelling emails are powerful fundraising tools that leverage the art of narrative to inspire action. By crafting compelling tales centered around the nonprofit’s mission, these communications evoke emotional connections with donors, transforming abstract causes into tangible human experiences.

Through vivid descriptions, personal anecdotes, and direct testimonials, storytelling emails transport readers into the heart of the issue, fostering empathy and understanding.

These emails should highlight the tangible results achieved through supporter generosity, reinforcing the sense of purpose and fulfillment associated with giving. To maximize effectiveness, storytelling emails must culminate in a clear and compelling call to action, guiding readers towards supporting the cause. By seamlessly integrating persuasive storytelling with actionable prompts, storytelling emails become catalysts for change, motivating donors to contribute meaningfully to the nonprofit’s mission.


Subject: How [Donor’s Name] Helped Change [Beneficiary’s Name]’s Life

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

We want to share a powerful story with you that highlights the incredible difference your support can make. Meet [Beneficiary’s Name], whose life has been transformed thanks to the generosity of supporters like you.

[Beneficiary’s Name] was [briefly describe the challenge or situation, e.g., “struggling with a lack of access to clean water”]. [He/She/They] faced [describe specific challenges, e.g., “daily hardships and health risks due to contaminated water sources”].

Thanks to your support, [Beneficiary’s Name] now [describe the positive change, e.g., “has access to clean, safe drinking water and a healthier future”]. [He/She/They] [include a direct quote or testimonial, e.g., “says, ‘Having clean water has changed my life. I can focus on my studies and help my family without worrying about illness.’”]

Here’s how you helped make this possible:

  • Your donations provided: [specific resources, e.g., “water purification systems,” “medical care”]
  • The impact you made: [specific outcomes, e.g., “improved health and well-being for families in the community”]

Want to continue making a difference? Your support can help us reach even more individuals in need. Click the link below to make a donation and continue changing lives: [Insert Donation Button or Link]

Thank you for being a vital part of our mission and for making a lasting impact on people like [Beneficiary’s Name]. Together, we can achieve even greater things.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Contact Information] [Nonprofit Name]

Tips for crafting successful fundraising emails

Successful fundraising emails should be clear, compelling, and actionable. Here are some tips:

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to resonate with the specific interests and values of your recipients. Understand what motivates them and how your cause aligns with their passions.
  • Craft a Strong Subject Line: Your subject line should be short, attention-grabbing, and provide a clear indication of the email’s content. It sets the tone for the rest of the message and influences open rates.
  • Use Engaging Content: Write in a conversational and engaging tone. Incorporate stories, testimonials, or impactful data that illustrate the importance of your cause and the difference donors can make.
  • Make Your Message Personal: Address recipients by name, when possible, and reference their past support if applicable. Personalization helps build a connection and shows that you value their individual contribution.
  • Highlight the Impact: Clearly explain how donations will be used and what specific outcomes will result. Use examples and stories to illustrate the tangible impact of their support.
  • Include a Clear Call to Action: Make it easy for recipients to take action by providing a prominent donation button or link. Ensure the donation process is straightforward and user-friendly.
  • Follow Up: Send follow-up emails to acknowledge donations, share updates, and express gratitude. Keeping donors informed and appreciated helps build long-term relationships.
  • Test and Optimize: Continuously test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, content, and calls to action, to see what works best. Use analytics to refine your approach and improve results.

By implementing these strategies, you can create effective fundraising emails that drive support for your cause.

How email marketing can help your nonprofit with donor engagement

Email marketing is a cornerstone of modern nonprofit marketing. It’s a direct channel of communication with which nonprofits can share their mission, highlight the impact of donations, and encourage ongoing support. Sharing regular updates, inspiring stories, and tangible results helps to foster trust and demonstrate the real-world impact of donor contributions, and personalizing messages reinforces your donors’ connections and commitments.

Email marketing also offers valuable insights into donor behavior, allowing organizations to refine their strategies for maximum impact. Ultimately, consistent and engaging email communication is key to retaining donors and cultivating a loyal supporter base.

FAQs about nonprofit fundraising emails

How often should a nonprofit send fundraising emails?

Nonprofits should send fundraising emails strategically to balance engagement and avoid donor fatigue. A good rule of thumb is to send 1-3 fundraising emails per month, with adjustments based on donor preferences and the urgency of campaigns or events. Special campaigns or events may warrant additional emails, but always ensure content remains relevant and compelling to avoid donor fatigue.

What is the best time to send a nonprofit fundraising email?

The best time to send nonprofit fundraising emails is generally mid-week, between Tuesday and Thursday, and during mid-morning or early afternoon. These times tend to yield higher open and click-through rates as donors are more likely to engage with emails during their workday. Analyzing past email performance metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates, can provide valuable insights for fine-tuning your timing strategy.

What is the best length for a nonprofit fundraising email?

The best length for a nonprofit fundraising email is typically between 100 to 200 words. This length is concise enough to hold readers’ attention while providing enough detail to effectively convey your message and call to action. To ensure effectiveness, focus on clarity and impact.

What are the best email marketing platforms for nonprofits?

Top email marketing platforms for nonprofits include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Bloomerang, and HubSpot. Mailchimp offers a user-friendly interface with a free tier. Constant Contact provides extensive templates and automation tools. Bloomerang is tailored for donor management, while HubSpot delivers advanced CRM features, marketing automation, and detailed analytics, making it a versatile option for comprehensive email marketing and engagement.

Let Big Sea craft your nonprofit’s email marketing strategy

Big Sea specializes in crafting tailored email marketing strategies that drive results for nonprofits. By segmenting your audience, composing targeted messages, and using data-driven insights, we help you create visually appealing and highly effective emails that connect with supporters, build donor relationships, and maximize your nonprofit’s impact. Contact us today to see what we’re all about.