How We Got 655 New Leads in One Month With a Single Facebook Post

Meet Stillpoint Studies

Stillpoint Studies is a school of Aromatherapy and essential oil studies located in Sedona, Arizona. Since 2010, they’ve taught students essential oil chemistry, energetics, folklore, and the synergy between those topics. At their sister company Stillpoint Aromatics, the instructors curate high-quality essential oils, carriers and accessories. Big Sea has been actively helping Stillpoint build and grow their businesses since 2009.

The Goal: Attract New Prospective Students

Thanks to years of hard work that preceded our marketing engagement, the ladies behind Stillpoint Studies have an incredibly loyal fanbase on social media and huge list of email subscribers. Their robust blog and newsletter nurture these folks with consistently valuable content.  A great place to start.

We knew we had a great message and a great product, but we wanted to expand the net a little wider.  We wanted to grow our lists of new potential students and create even more loyal followers.

The Strategy: Top of the Funnel Shareable Content

We decided to leverage Stillpoint’s own loyal fans to help evangelize by creating highly digestible content worthy of sharing, then a series of nurturing emails to help move their new subscribers closer to registering for a Studies course.

How We Did It

Content Creation

We know the Stillpoint students and fans very well.  They are healers and helpers, and they are highly likely to share information if it might help a friend.

Stillpoint’s teachers are thought leaders and pioneers in the Aromatherapy industry. We worked closely with them to develop an exclusive essential oil recipe targeting a concern relevant to both potential students and to people they care about: natural remedies for anxiety.

The campaign elements included a landing page, supporting graphics, a form, a thank you page, social posts, and a series of nurturing emails.

Social Engagement

The success of the Anti-Anxiety Recipe was driven almost entirely by Stillpoint’s engaged social community, just as we suspected.  As we do with any posts that get such great organic traction, we put a small budget behind it to see what would happen.

With a boost of $100, the Facebook post earned 1,500 clicks, 243 likes, 23 replies, and is now up to over 350 shares.


The Results

Of course, the goal was to build the list of potential students, and this campaign performed to the tune of 655 new contacts — 57 of which have already gone on to register for Aromatherapy courses or buy oils from their eCommerce store.
