5 Benefits of Emotional Intelligence at Work
- What is Emotional Intelligence? (EQ)
- What are the benefits of emotional intelligence at work?
- 1. Work together effectively
- 2. Make better decisions
- 3. Get promoted faster
- 4. Be happier at work
- 5. Stress less
- Emotional intelligence at work: Big Sea's core values
- Get all the benefits of emotional intelligence at work
- Emotional intelligence can make you a better marketer
Emotional Intelligence is defined as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Everyone has room for improvement when it comes to EQ, especially if they interact with others in the workplace.
What is Emotional Intelligence? (EQ)
Emotional Intelligence (EI), often referred to as EQ (Emotional Quotient), is the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and regulate emotions—both in oneself and in others. Unlike traditional intelligence, which typically focuses on cognitive and logical abilities, emotional intelligence centers on our emotional aptitude and competency. It’s generally taken to comprise
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social skills
What are the benefits of emotional intelligence at work?
A large part of our job at work is communicating with coworkers and our clients. Being an effective communicator is not only personally fulfilling, but it also creates trust and rapport.
Ultimately the end product, the result of the work we do together, benefits from efficient and clear communication fostered by emotional intelligence. Employees, as well as clients, feel heard and supported in an environment with high EQ. (If you’re looking for a more tangible carrot, high emotional intelligence has been linked to higher salaries.)
1. Work together effectively
People with high emotional intelligence work better in teams. They are attuned to the emotions of their colleagues and can sense conflicts before they escalate. By understanding and respecting differing perspectives and emotions, they foster an environment where collaboration thrives. This makes problem-solving smoother and promotes a harmonious workplace atmosphere.
2. Make better decisions
Decisions influenced by unchecked emotions can lead to undesirable outcomes. Those with a high EI can discern between their emotions and the objective facts, leading to decisions that are more balanced and informed. They understand the emotional implications of their choices, ensuring that decisions are made with both logical and empathetic considerations.
Read more: The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence >>>
3. Get promoted faster
Leaders with emotional intelligence are more effective and respected. They can gauge the mood of their team, provide motivation, and address concerns with compassion. By understanding what drives their team emotionally, these leaders can tailor their approach to inspire, guide, and garner the best results from each team member.
Read more: Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important in Leadership >>>
4. Be happier at work
Employees with high EQ often find more fulfillment in their roles. They’re able to navigate workplace challenges with a balanced perspective and can manage stress more effectively. As a result, they tend to find it easier to navigate through challenges, making them less likely to burnout or experience high turnover. Companies that recognize and prioritize EQ can help spread these effects by cultivating a supportive and understanding work environment.
5. Stress less
Stress is unavoidable in the workplace, and it often stems from the unexpected. It’s how we treat each other at times of high stress that sets the tone in the office.
Unfortunately, stress often fosters a communication breakdown. It can make us irritable and impatient. Developing a high EQ can help you self-regulate and manage those feelings and allow clear communication between coworkers and clients. The result? More progress and fewer trips to the snack closet to eat your feelings. In all seriousness, the result is a stronger team that communicates when things are great and when things are hard.
Read more: Crisis Management: Firefighting With the Right People >>
Emotional intelligence at work: Big Sea’s core values
At Big Sea, our core values reflect how deeply we value and embrace emotionally intelligent ways of doing marketing and business. Check out our core values and how they help us thrive as an agency.
Positively Impact
At the heart of our work is the genuine desire to make a difference. “Positively Impact” is our commitment to ensuring that our actions, decisions, and interactions consistently uplift and benefit our colleagues, clients, and the broader community. We believe that by approaching challenges with optimism and empathy, we can create solutions that have a lasting, positive influence.
Own It
Accountability and responsibility are key tenets of emotional intelligence. “Own It” means embracing our roles wholeheartedly, taking initiative, and seeing things through to completion. Whether it’s a success to celebrate or a mistake to learn from, we take ownership, understanding that our individual actions contribute to the collective success and reputation of our company.
Embrace the Adventure
The journey of professional growth is filled with unexpected twists, turns, and learning experiences. “Embrace the Adventure” signifies our resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty. Instead of shying away from challenges or fearing the unknown, we view them as exciting opportunities to grow, learn, and forge new paths.
Love the Who
People are at the core of what we do, and emotional connections drive our most meaningful interactions. “Love the Who” underscores the importance of valuing and cherishing the individuals we work with—be it colleagues, clients, or partners. By recognizing the unique strengths, perspectives, and emotions of each person, we foster a culture of respect, appreciation, and genuine collaboration.
Get all the benefits of emotional intelligence at work
Here are some helpful techniques you can use to increase your EQ in a professional setting:
Be an active listener
Being an active and engaged listener when others are speaking is the first step to being an effective communicator. So often ‘good communication skills’ are defined by effectively getting your point across to someone, but in order to do that many things needs to happen before your message is ever delivered.
Try a few simple things to ensure the other person feels heard and understood, such as jotting notes, or repeating in your own words to confirm that you fully understand their point of view.
Emotions are as normal as breathing, but dealing with them in productive and professional ways can be tricky.
Cultivate empathy
By definition, empathy is the psychological identification with, or vicarious experiencing of, the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. In simpler terms, empathy is putting yourself in someone else’s shoes to better understand where they are coming from.
Empathy gets you on the same page faster. You can tailor your communication to the situation and the other person involved. A shared understanding of a situation can help expedite a resolution. Don’t think about this as a totally touchy-feely thing or an indication that you have to soften your communication. It simply means developing a stronger ability to connect with and recognize other people’s needs and their responses to the world around us.
Respond (rather than react) to emotions
Emotions are as normal as breathing, but dealing with them in productive and professional ways can be tricky. The secret is to learn to respond rather than simply react to emotions. When we react, we automatically seek to subdue or enhance the emotion. For instance, we react by trying to suppress our feelings.
When strong or negative emotions flare it is wise to take some time to sit with the feeling before reacting. It’s perfectly safe and healthy to feel your feelings. Give yourself time to experience your feelings before deciding what to do about them. When you’ve given yourself space to feel your emotions, you can then start to examine what caused them in the first place. Ultimately, your response will be more rational, measured, and ultimately more productive.
Read more: How to Make Slime, and Other Lessons We Learned Volunteering at Work >>
Emotional intelligence can make you a better marketer
Are you a marketer? If so, EQ can make you better at your job in a major way. Inbound marketing is all about connecting with your customers and their needs, so you can put the right content in front of them at the right time. It’s about solving problems and anticipating needs. All of these efforts require a high level of emotional intelligence. Practice your EQ skills not only in how you interact with your colleagues, but how you empathize with and respond to your prospects and your current clients.
Listen to your customers talk about their emotional experiences with your product or service. When you identify pain points, consider how your marketing materials and content can provide comfort and clarity. When you make someone feel better about something in their life, you’ve created a real connection. That’s meaningful marketing.
Emotionally intelligent marketing strategies
Want to work with a team that understands the value of emotionally intelligent marketing? Drop us a line and we’ll hop on the phone for a free discovery call.